Description: Insomnia is a prevalent sleep disorder characterized by difficulty in falling asleep, staying asleep, or both, leading to insufficient or non-refreshing sleep. These disturbances persist despite having adequate opportunity and circumstances for sleep. The condition may be acute, often triggered by stress or specific events, or chronic, lasting for months or even longer. Chronic insomnia may be a primary disorder or associated with a wide range of psychiatric or physiological conditions, such as anxiety, depression, or chronic pain. The symptomatology of insomnia can lead to various daytime impairments, including fatigue, mood disturbances, and decreased performance in work or daily activities.
Sensitivity Maps: Individual lesion network maps were thresholded and binarized at t > 7 and t < -7. The binarized maps are then overlapped to generate the sensitivity map. The heat map shows regions between 50% overlap (n=6) to 100% overlap (n=12).
Lesion ID | Author | Publication Year | Lesion Mask | Lesion Network | Details | Publication Info | Age | Sex | Cause | Symptom | Original Image | Lesion Mask | Lesion Network |
143 | Alqassmi | 2021 | Alqassmi (2021) | 2 | f | Encephalitis | Insomnia | Link | |||||
144 | Borresen | 2019 | Borresen (2019) | 2 | m | Encephalitis | Insomnia | Link | |||||
145 | Chuah | 2016 | Chuah (2016) | 20 | f | Tumor | Insomnia | Link | |||||
146 | Erburu-Iriarte | 2021 | Erburu-Iriarte (2021) | 56 | f | Methanol Intoxication | Insomnia | Link | |||||
147 | Hayashi | 2021 | Hayashi (2021) | 34 | f | Cerebral Vasoconstriction | Insomnia | Link | |||||
148 | Lauterbach | 1994 | Lauterbach (1994) | 62 | f | Ischemic Stroke | Insomnia | Link | |||||
149 | Mohamed | 2011 | Mohamed (2011) | 50 | f | Whipple's Disease | Insomnia | Link | |||||
150 | Papadopoulou | 2005 | Papadopoulou (2005) | 48 | m | Whipple's disease | Insomnia | Link | |||||
151 | Tan | 2016 | Tan (2016) | 59 | f | Cerebral Varix | Insomnia | Link | |||||
152 | Toro | 2021 | Toro (2021) | 24 | m | Encephalitis | Insomnia | Link | |||||
153 | Truzzi | 2018 | Truzzi (2018) | 40 | f | Neurotoxoplasmosis | Insomnia | Link | |||||
154 | Yulug | 2016 | Yulug (2016) | 61 | m | Ischemic Stroke | Insomnia | Link |