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Description: Cataplexy is characterized by sudden and temporary muscle weakness or paralysis triggered by strong emotions, such as laughter, surprise, or anger. During these episodes, affected individuals may experience varying degrees of muscle tone loss, leading to slurred speech, drooping facial muscles, or even complete collapse. While conscious and aware, individuals are unable to move, which can resemble the temporary paralysis of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Common symptom of Narcolepsy.

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Sensitivity Maps: Individual lesion network maps were thresholded and binarized at t > 7 and t < -7. The binarized maps are then overlapped to generate the sensitivity map. The heat map shows regions between 50% overlap (n=1) to 100% overlap (n=2).

  • Positive Sensitivity Map
    Negative Sensitivity Map

Lesion ID Author Publication Year Lesion Mask Lesion Network Details Publication Info Age Sex Cause Symptom Original Image Lesion Mask Lesion Network
200 Reynolds 2011 Reynolds (2011) 67 m Ischemic Stroke Cataplexy Link
207 Turner 2024 Turner (2024) None None Stroke Cataplexy Link