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Description: Alice in Wonderland Syndrome (AIWS) is a neurological condition characterized by perceptual distortions. Symptoms include size distortion, where objects may appear smaller (micropsia) or larger (macropsia) than their actual size; time distortion, where time may seem to pass unusually slowly or quickly; spatial distortion, affecting the perceived distances; and distorted body image, where parts of the body may seem to change in size. Though the exact cause of AIWS is not entirely understood, it has been associated with migraines and infections, particularly those involving the Epstein-Barr virus.

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Sensitivity Maps: Individual lesion network maps were thresholded and binarized at t > 7 and t < -7. The binarized maps are then overlapped to generate the sensitivity map. The heat map shows regions between 50% overlap (n=12) to 100% overlap (n=24).

  • Positive Sensitivity Map
    Negative Sensitivity Map

Lesion ID Author Publication Year Lesion Mask Lesion Network Details Publication Info Age Sex Cause Symptom Original Image Lesion Mask Lesion Network
92 Brooks 2019 Brooks (2019) 80 f Hemorrhagic Stroke Alice in Wonderland Syndrome Link
94 Camacho 2016 Camacho (2016) 74 None None Alice in Wonderland Syndrome Link
95 Camacho 2016 Camacho (2016) 55 None None Alice in Wonderland Syndrome Link
96 Ceriani 1998 Ceriani (1998) 84 f Ischemic Stroke Alice in Wonderland Syndrome Link
97 Cohen 1994 Cohen (1994) None None None Alice in Wonderland Syndrome Link
98 Cohen 1994 Cohen (1994) None None None Alice in Wonderland Syndrome Link
99 ElTarhouni 2020 ElTarhouni (2020) 45 m Ischemic Stroke Alice in Wonderland Syndrome Link
100 Garcia 2016 Garcia (2016) 95 f None Alice in Wonderland Syndrome Link
101 Herbet 2019 Herbet (2019) None None None Alice in Wonderland Syndrome Link
102 Hong 2010 Hong (2010) 61 m Ischemic Stroke Alice in Wonderland Syndrome Link
103 Hong 2010 Hong (2010) 57 m Ischemic Stroke Alice in Wonderland Syndrome Link
104 Kim 2006 Kim (2006) None None Ischemic Stroke Alice in Wonderland Syndrome Link
105 Kumral 2012 Kumral (2012) 58 m None Alice in Wonderland Syndrome Link
106 Kumral 2012 Kumral (2012) 55 f Ischemic Stroke Alice in Wonderland Syndrome Link
107 Montalvo 2014 Montalvo (2014) 58 m Ischemic Stroke Alice in Wonderland Syndrome Link
108 Mullaguri 2018 Mullaguri (2018) 47 f Ischemic Stroke Alice in Wonderland Syndrome Link
109 Naarden 2019 Naarden (2019) 68 m Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Alice in Wonderland Syndrome Link
110 Park 2007 Park (2007) 64 m Ischemic Stroke Alice in Wonderland Syndrome Link
111 Parks 2014 Parks (2014) 59 f Ischemic Stroke Alice in Wonderland Syndrome Link
112 Philip 2015 Philip (2015) 35 f Cavernoma Alice in Wonderland Syndrome Link
113 Saj 2013 Saj (2013) 83 f Ischemic Stroke Alice in Wonderland Syndrome Link
114 Tokida 2018 Tokida (2018) 70 m Ischemic Stroke Alice in Wonderland Syndrome Link
115 Van Den Berg 2019 Van Den Berg (2019) 64 m Ischemic Stroke Alice in Wonderland Syndrome Link
116 Weijers 2013 Weijers (2013) 65 m Ischemic Stroke Alice in Wonderland Syndrome Link